Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there so much on the West Coast?

Two primary reasons — the density of new age towns is higher west of the Rockies, and 2) I was in Sedona when I decided to actually put the site up. From there, rather than tackle its huge metaphysical presence, I drove to Idyllwild, a regular haunt before the site, and started there.

Why do you focus so much on a few towns while others get barely a mention?

Those are the ones we know the best. While I never lived in Encinitas, I visit repeatedly, often for weeks at a time. The same goes for Idyllwild, except that over two trips up the hill I actually stayed over five months. Sedona was about a two months total over a number of trips. Most of the others are either from short visits or are culled together from information from friends, fellow travelers and readers as well as from a variety of research sources. As we continue our travels, the first hand knowledge will grow and the reviews will reflect that added knowledge.

What’s the hangup with juice?

We know that organic is important and that going vegetarian or vegan reduces energy consumption, but we don’t always like eating salads or raw food. We need a quick fix, and pressed kale or spinach juice, or maybe a kale infused smoothie, is our way of getting the veggies we need. And, of course, we spent a good amount of time in the Juice Mecca called Encinitas, so we’re a bit indoctrinated.


Stay New!
More than just towns.