Local Links – Sedona
More Than New Age
We are, however, talking about Sedona, and the energy is in the rocks. We have the luxury of separating the metaphysical links from the general tourist links we include for most other towns.
Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association [LINK] They exist, and they have a mission statement. From their site:
“To form a unified association that is the heart and soul of Sedona’s metaphysical and spiritual business community. To promote higher consciousness and raise awareness about the excellent products, services and activities offered to our local community and to visitors we serve in the greater Sedona area.”
Sedona AZ.gov. [LINK] As expected, it’s the city government site, for park information, permits, licenses and other business needs. There’s also an ‘Explore Sedona’ link with some general local and historical information.
Visit Sedona [LINK] A tourist site, and the source of the brief history we placed on our Sedona front page.